Hicksons Lawyers
Level 24, 100 Barangaroo Ave, Sydney Australia
Design Director while at Unispace Global
2,600 sqm (28,000 sqft) NLA
Completed 2017
Hicksons is an Australian mid-tier firm with over 100 years trading as lawyers in Australia. Primarily in the Insurance industry, Hicksons cover all types of matters from small claims to large litigation cases and they needed a space that served them functionally and looked professional without being flashy.
I led the strategy and design ideas with the Sydney Unispace team and the Hicksons' equity partners hotly debating the pros and cons of the new open plan solutions flowing through the industry in Asia Pacific. After several workshops the final solution was a clear and accessible modular office configuration for Special Counsel, Senior Associates and Partners with the remainder of the employees in an open plan configuration with great ergonomics and access to views and daylight.
Flexibility of the meeting spaces and casual areas means that each space has multiple uses.